People Analytics

It is not just how every soldier is important to win a war, it is equally importnat to know what knowledge or skillset he has which adds up to assure the win, for success of a Product or a Project, every individual in the team is equally important, responsible or answerable along with the performance ability and skillset the person has.

If we are able to “measure” the performance, knowledge, skillset, reliability etc., of each person involved, it becomes easy to control the situation, complete the project in time and also to assess the individual’s capabilities.

“People Analytics” exactly helps us here. It is the new trend of assessing the people’s qualities unbiasedly using the machine learning or Analytics.

The process of People Analytics is divided into 4 stages as follows.

  • Accountability :

    The formula for 'accountability' can be defined in simple words as follows.

    ‘Accountability = Measurability + Responsibility’

    In taskera, in addition to the above formula, this accountability is further based on the skill, timeliness, quality, dependability, expertise, target and many more dozens of such parameters of an individual which can be considered for measurement. For our convenience, we represent it in a numerical format and call it “Kudos”.

  • Accumulation :

    Collection of such measured numerical representation (statistics) for each individual over a period of time (period can be in number of hours, days, months or years) will report the individual’s skillfulness, capability, reliability, timeliness, achievements, etc., which numericaly measured as “Kudos” for the considered parameter/s.

  • Analyzing :

    For the ease of the organisation or for the Project Manager to pinpoint an individual “who is the best” in a single or a combination of two or more such qualities / parameters (not limited by the above illustration) which is reported over a period of time. This data is carefully analyzed and drawn inferences based on this available data to the requirement of study / implication.

  • Acceptance :

    Thus, machine generated unbiased reports / inferences of an individual will be useful to analyze the individual’s capability to perform in a task with a particular set of skillsets, to measure his reliability, quality, etc., and thereby take measures like rewarding the individual on his acheivements or sending him for further training to improve on his skill set.

    This not only helps the individual to improve, but also to achieve the company's goal effectively.

In Taskera, with the help of 'people analytics' which is measured over 32 different parameters making it very reliable, has achieved to deliver facts and figures, give expert and unbiased advises. These facts are transformed into actionable vision and tasks, helping to optimize the productivy aligned with business strategy. It also helps in improving people on their talent.

Understanding people through data can be incredibly powerful and realistic. Only Taskera has the art of Managing with a Difference.

HR Advantages

Organizations have traditionally looked at Human Resources department as a cost center. Taskera allows HR to show measurable ROI. For all the HR tasks, be it Motivation, Compensation Management or Faster Onboarding, Taskera gives you a quantified value. Quantified values speak louder than qualitative values.
  • Motivation :

    The management in the organisation is supposed to provide motivation to the employees which will align them with the mission and vision of the organisation. Unfortunately, there is a lack of tools when it comes to motivating the employees. Taskera fills this crucial gap by providing timely response to each stimulus. Taskera uses game like mechanics to change the process. It primarily contains three elements.

    • Every Action has instant Feedback/Reaction :

      Like in any game, in Taskera, every action has an instant feedback. No more waiting for annual appraisals to find out if you did something right or wrong. This is at the heart of employee engagement. It incentivises employees for good behavior.

    • Clear Rules With Fair Chance To Win :

      People enjoy playing games where they believe they have a fair chance of winning. Games are clearly defined meritocracies with clear cause effect relationships. In Taskera, every activity is tracked and measured by machine learning algorithms which are free from any human bias.

    • Cumulative Scores and Earned Status :

      Employees are demotivated when the status is incompatible with work done. Gamers call it cheating. Taskera is an environment where every user activity is tracked, appraised and cumulated. Employees build up status over time and this is directly reflected in their organizational influence. This focuses employees into thinking long term. This saves the HR on retention problem.

  • Faster Onboarding :

    It is important to have a clear understanding between the management and the new employees. The onboarding manager or the admin can control the games being played and help the employee in understanding his/her core responsibilities and role in the organisation. Simultaneously, the management learns the strengths and weaknesses of the employees which will help them to assign the work in an optimized way

  • Increased Engagement :

    Taskera engages all the parties involved in an organization across management levels. This allows a free flow of engagement within the hierarchies and lets the organisation with a laser sharp focus.

  • Improved Communication :

    In a meritocratic environment a person’s abilities should be the only barometer of their influence. Taskera uses Kudos as a social currency. Kudos can be transacted by users just like a real currency. Users earn and give out kudos. How much kudos a user accumulates represents his/her influence in the organization. Corporate incentive policies can be created around these KUDOS to reward the deserving team members.

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