What is Timeoff

Time off is the time taken off during the working hours. It can be short break, long break or may be a leave for one or more numbers of days.

How to add a time off?

A time off can be added as follows.

Go to settings from clicking on the settings icon on the left hand bar. Click on TimeOff tab. A list ot earlier applied time offs will apppear on the screen. Click on new button from the right top corner. In the appearing page, fill the mandatory details. The field 'Timeoff Name' can filled with appropriate information like '2 hours permission', 'one day leave', etc. In the 'description' field, enter the informative details or purpose for the time off being applied. The Start Date, End Date, Start time and end time fields are to be entered with appropriate details related to this particular time off. Now click on the Add button at the bottom of the page to create and send the request. The manager will get a message immediately on creation of the request.

Now this new request has been added and is visible in the 'list' view. This is also displayed in the 'calendar' view if you click on the Calendar tab.

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