
A workflow consists of an orchestrated and repeatable pattern of activity enabled by systematic organization of resources into processes that transform materials or process information. It can be depicted as a sequence of operations that one will declare at the beginning or at the end of mechanism.


  1. Goto, Settings -> Workflow
  2. You will see the default workflow list.
  3. Click -> New -> General (Fill all the feilds)
  4. Select an object (project/task/issue/event) for which the workflow will be applied.
  5. Click -> Transitions -> Click on add (Adding new state)
  6. Click on add (Adding new state) -> Add state -> Create
  7. Deleting a state
  8. Click on yes to delete state

Add workflow to project

Customise your workflow according to your requirment.

  • Click-> Projects-> Workflow.
  • The first blank field refers to the existing project's workflow style.
  • If you add existing project, automatically, the workflow design of that project will be incorpoated to this current new project.
  • The second field is related to the type of the object. As we are creating a new project, you can choose 'project' here.
  • Now click on the create button.
  • Your customised workflow is ready for your project.

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