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  • Milestone means the a significant stage or event in development of something. Any project related work behavoir could be defined by a milestone
  • Splitable is the option to be chosen if the project is splitable for the convenience of the creator / project manager to assign to different teams to achieve better results.
  • Interruptable meaqns that a project or task can be chosen to be interruptable or not-interruptable according to project creator's requirement. Click and select / unselect the options according to your reqirement.

Note : Milestone, Splitable, Interruptable are also be added to tasks

Adding constrains to tasks

You can add constrains to tasks. When you change a constrain type and constrain data that tasks as to be done. Rest of tasks and issues are auto-scheduled accordingly.

Constrain type

Constrain type are condition which will be applied on tasks

  • As soon as possible Task as to start asap with respect to constrain data
  • As late as possible Task can start after constrain data
  • Must start on Task must get start with respect to constrain data
  • Must finish on Task must get finishedwith respect to constrain data
  • Start not earlier than Task must not get start with respect to constrain data
  • Start not late than Task should get resloved by constrain data
  • Finish not earlier than Task should not get earlier than constrain data
  • Finish not late than Task should not get finish not late than constrain data

Constrain data

Constrain data is baslically a data by which tasks as to get resloved/started based on Constraintype

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